How a body shaper changed this womans life.... Literally

How a body shaper changed this womans life.... Literally

For many, the words that lead this article can be an exaggeration, AS A  SHAPER YOUR BODY CHANGED A LIFE ...

However, for people like Marina (whom I will call like that out of respect for their privacy), it is not ...

She was 32 years old and used to be a sociable, kind person, dedicated to the things that fascinated her, such as drawing and everything related to artistic expressions. She had an enviable body that any 15-year-old would like to have; however, from one moment to the next everything changed.

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Marina had a relationship with a person who was not completely healthy for her, she told him continuously that she was not good for anything, that she did not manage to go out with him, that she was ashamed to be by his side. The time came when Marina ended up convincing all this, and really began to do what her partner said, she began to neglect, she no longer practiced any sport, she was constantly anxious about the recriminations that he did to her, now I just ate and literally slept.


We have spoken in other articles and TV shows about the importance of good self-esteem and how the use of the shape your body shapers can help women in their different stages of life.
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But let's continue to see Marina's story and how the MyFajasColombianas girdles helped her.

It's no wonder that this whole situation will affect her self-esteem and self-esteem to the point of wanting to be dead, she did not find any meaning in her day-to-day life, if he did not see her as attractive, what was the meaning of her life (that's what she thought), she came to love him so much that she forgot to love herself first. In the long run and thanks to the fate and advice of her family and friends, she abandoned this relationship that was slowly consuming her, I'm not going to lie, to see her in that situation besides being sad was frustrating ...

We decided with some friends to do a kind of intervention, we talked to her, we made her understand that love for someone else must be born first of the love we have for ourselves as women, that the people who cause us harm and suffering do not deserve to be in our life, because in addition to not being useful they are toxic, and that the people who love us impel us to be better every day, they support us at every moment of the day, but above all they accept us as we are ...


Now there was help to improve not only mentally, emotionally but physically, every day some of us went out with her in the mornings to walk a while, to talk about things that happened to us, and as most women usually do when we go out with friends we went shopping (to fill the quotas of the cards), in a recognized shopping center in the city we saw a store called FORMA TU BODY, we entered without much expectation because Marina was reluctant to buy any product of beauty, since at the time she did not have that harmonious body that characterized her for years, however the good energy and the attention of the mentors who attended us changed her attitude almost immediately.


It seems exaggerated what I will say but that Mediterranean strip to the knee of wide strips literally changed the perspective of life to Marina, (I memorized her reference hahahaha) when she was placed saw her abdomen that 10 seconds ago looked deformed now looked slender and toned, her waist defined clearly showing her beautiful silhouette, her legs received more glances than she remembered having received before, she saw how beautiful she was, how she could see herself daily if she wanted to, that she was beautiful for what she wore inside and that should reflect on the outside ... She lived again that day.

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Since then Marina recovered her desire to live, improved her eating habits, eats a lot of fruit (she occasionally commits a peccary of desserts, I will not deny it) she exercises daily, works continuously in her, noticing how wonderful she is as a woman, how good it feels and how good it looks ... and it all started with the position of a band of FORM YOUR BODY, which in my opinion in its slogan MAKES WOMEN WITH CURVES should add AND HAPPY TO BE AS ARE. ..and not only I say it for Marina, I say it for the thousands of cases and testimonies that I have heard and seen ... mine first hand in my marriage, but that will be another story ....

 We invite you to our online store FORM YOUR BODY where you can buy more products and see inspiring stories.

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